
Virtual Prayer Walk Guide: Radford University

Throughout Scripture we see leaders and prayer warriors walk, pray, and listen for what God is doing and desires to do. -        Caleb and Joshua helped spy out the promised land in Numbers 13 -        Nehemiah rode around the city of Jerusalem praying and assessing the work to which God had called them (Nehemiah 1). -        Paul wandered around the city of Athens making spiritual observations and allowing the Holy Spirit to disturb his heart about the false gods and idol worship in the city (Acts 17). Ways we may hear from God during a prayer walk: -        A passage of Scripture comes to mind -        A song or poem or sometimes even just one word keeps coming to mind -        You may notice things you’ve never noticed before or you may see patterns or themes that stand out to you -        There are other ways God may communicate as well… it’s our job to listen, to praise, and to make sure what we hear aligns with what we see in Scripture and what we know is true

Mom's Hands

"You have your mom's hands!" I looked down at my hands, unsure what to say. It was the second time someone said those words last weekend. I noticed my long, thin fingers and knobby knuckles, slightly deformed from jammed fingers, childhood adventures, and a few years of rock climbing. One of my fingers points slightly to the left. I'm not sure when that happened, but I am sure it came from a stubborn, competitive attempt to win at some childhood game or dare. My mom's hands are neither small nor large. They always seemed just the right size to me. She, too, has knobby knuckles from childhood games, teenage adventures, and hard work on the farm. I remember a story Mom told me once about getting a jammed finger while playing (I think at school and I think the game was tetherball). The nurse put her finger in a a jar of some antiseptic or peroxide and Mom's finger swelled to the point she couldn't get her finger out of the jar. Mom's hands are not rough

Fighting for Truth with Compassion

The Story Project was created by Shin Maang  as a creative way to engage students with stories from Scripture where Jesus enters into places of pain and brokenness to bring healing and hope. At Radford I have been using this mural to help students journey through Jesus' ministry and challenge them to invite Jesus into the places of pain in their own lives. This week I sat with four students in the corner of Young Hall for our weekly "Core" gathering. I pointed to the woman dressed in red in the lower right corner of the mural. I asked if any of them had an idea what story this might be portraying. One or two students had some guesses but the rest had puzzled looks on their faces. "This woman was caught in adultery and brought to Jesus," I explained as I handed out copies of John 8. As the students read the story, a lively conversation ensued among the students. "This woman is just being used by the Pharisees for their set-up plan against Jesus!" on

Bricks with no straw

I arrived for our weekly Intervarsity gathering surprised to see chairs set up and Jack waiting eagerly. "I set up all the chairs and I was really hoping there would be more people than last week! Last week was so great!" Jack said as he excitedly put together our Intervarsity banner. I affirmed his work and his enthusiasm... then we sat down... and waited... ten minutes went by. Fifteen. I checked my phone to see if any other students texted. Both Jack and I looked up in anticipation every time the door opened, only to sink back in our seats as one student after another walked through to some other meeting. I became very aware of the large size of the circle of chairs. "Well," I turned to Jack. "Let's go ahead and talk about Exodus." (Jack and I have been reading Exodus during our weekly discipleship meetings). But even that felt risky. When I was preparing for our discipleship time, I wondered how I would help Jack apply Exodus 5 to his life. It ju

Swords Into Plowshares

Friday afternoons on a college campus are unique. Things seem to go slower. Students meander around campus in attire clearly chosen for comfort over fashion. Some are making a valiant attempt at productivity before the weekend arrives in full force. Others are more than content to put everything off until Sunday evening. As I wrapped up my conversation with Jack, a student newly committed to Intervarsity, two students on the other side of the circle began playing music. The woman swayed and danced while playing a guitar. A man banged out the beat on a collection of tin cans and plastic buckets... the notes of John Lennon's Imagine  floated around the circle. The scene almost felt as if it belonged in the 1970's. I walked over and listened to the rest of their song. Adele and Alexander introduced themselves and their "band". I asked if they could play something they wrote. Adele smiled and sighed, seemingly thankful for the request. Alexander and Adele played for se

Was this the beginning?

I sat in the shade on the low wall outside Radford's main dining hall contemplating my next move. It was hot and I wasn't keen about the more formal attire I was wearing for my earlier meeting with the athletic director. A tall, lanky student with a friendly smile sat a few feet from me. I overheard him greet a few passers-by and chat with some. The usual college conversations... food, homework, ultimate frisbee. Something inside me nudged. I stood up and walked over, introduced myself and asked to join him. Jerod is friendly and has an openness in his interactions. He shared about his journey of applying and being accepted to a number of top-tier state schools but, for some reason, feeling like he needed to be at Radford. Jerod became excited as he explained his involvement in a mentorship program for young boys without father-figures. He spoke enthusiastically about his desire to model to the boys that hard work, diligence, and commitment are worth it. His passion for chang

Stepping Out of the Boat

"When evening came, Jesus was there alone, but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. During the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. 'It's a ghost!' they said and cried out in fear.  But Jesus immediately said to them: 'Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.' 'Lord, if it is you,' Peter replied, 'tell me to come to you on the water.' 'Come,' Jesus said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!' Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?' And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worsh