
Showing posts from July, 2012

Gentle Jesus, meek and... wild?

Mark Driscoll got into hot water several months back for his rant that he doesn't want to serve a God that is puny or weaker than him. And I have to agree. If God isn't bigger, stronger, wiser, more powerful, more merciful, and more loving than what I can muster, then I'm a little concerned. So, Mark proceeded to describe his Jesus as a powerful, untamable, unrelenting warrior-like God. But I wonder if we've still missed out on what Jesus is really like. The Jesus I read about in the Gospels is gentle and loving enough to attract the children from the crowd. I like to imagine Jesus sitting on the grass with two or three wiggling kids crammed onto his lap, a few more telling him stories with squirmy excitement--dancing around his feet to reenact their tales. Still more hang around his neck and on his hands. And yet, like a great dad with lots of little children, Jesus has so much love and joy that each child feels that they are the most important in the gaggle. The Jes